About SMART Notebook Plus features

Some features are only available with SMART Notebook Plus. To get SMART Notebook Plus, you or your school must purchase a subscription. If this is your first time installing SMART Notebook, you can try SMART Notebook Plus for 180 days.

When the trial period ends or your subscription expires, SMART Notebook Plus features are no longer available, but you can still use SMART Notebook for free. Lessons containing SMART Notebook Plus features can still be delivered as designed, but you won’t be able to edit the Notebook files or create new ones using SMART Notebook Plus features.


If you have an active subscription but do not have access to SMART Notebook Plus features, make sure you’re signed in to your SMART Account. If you still can’t access the features, contact to the person in charge of managing subscriptions in your organization to confirm you are provisioned correctly.

This table lists the SMART Notebook Plus features that come with a subscription and compares them to how they behave in SMART Notebook after the trial period ends or the subscription expires.


SMART Notebook Plus

SMART Notebook

Game-based activities

Use game-based activity templates to create interactive activities. Type of activities include matching, fill-in-the-blanks, label reveal, sorting, and more.

These activities help students memorize concepts and facts, identify objects, learn vocabulary, and more. Activities can be played as a whole class, or students can connect to the activities using their devices and play them in small groups or individually.

Learn more about activities

If the lesson includes existing activities, the activities can be played. However, the activity’s content cannot be edited, and new activities cannot be created.

Formative assessments

Use the assessment wizard to create question sets. Focusing on formative assessments, this feature helps educators effectively assess students in order to guide learning. Students can complete assessments using their own devices.

Learn more about assessments.

If the lesson includes existing assessments, the assessment’s content is maintained but cannot be edited. New assessments cannot be created.

Video Search add-on

Use the Video search add-on to search for YouTube and other online videos or paste a link and add videos to pages.

Learn more about adding videos.

Behaves the same.

Image Web Search add-on

Search for and add images directly from Bing into your lesson. Bing’s safe search is enabled to show you royalty-free image results that are safe for classroom use.

Learn more about adding images.

Behaves the same.

Concept Mapping add-on

Use Concept Mapping to quickly create concept maps that encourage dynamic participation from students. You can use ink gestures along with traditional interactions to build concept maps.

Learn more about concept mapping.

If the lesson includes existing concept maps, they are maintained. New concept maps cannot be created.

Lesson Recorder add-on

Use the Lesson Recorder to capture your actions within a lesson page. This is useful for demonstrating an activity to your students.

Learn more about using the Lesson Recorder.

Existing recordings still play, but you cannot create new recordings.

SMART Blocks add-on

SMART Blocks is an add-on that enables you to perform math activities with your class by writing numbers on the page, and then connecting them to a SMART Block. You can choose from seven equation types to work with.

Learn more about using SMART Blocks.

If the lesson includes existing SMART Blocks, you can run them. You cannot add new SMART Blocks.

Activity Builder add-on

Use the Activity Builder add-on to create simple matching or hide-and-show activities.

Learn more about using the Activity Builder.

If the lesson includes an existing activity, you can play it. You cannot edit or add a new activity.

Full touch capabilities on any interactive display

Full touch capabilities are available when presenting lessons on the display.

Touch is restricted in the following ways if using SMART Notebook on a computer connected to a non-SMART Board interactive display:

  • Windows: SMART Notebook does not respond to touch.

  • Mac: SMART Notebook responds to only one touch at a time.

Touch is not restricted when you use SMART Notebook on a computer connected to a SMART Board interactive display.

Share files to your SMART Account

Share files to your SMART Account so you can open them in Lumio or access them when you’re signed in to a SMART Board interactive display with iQ.

Not available.

Screen View

When presenting lessons, you can use the following views:

  • Full Screen view expands the page area to fill the interactive screen by hiding the title bar, toolbar, taskbar and sidebar.

  • Transparent Background view enables you to see the desktop and windows behind the SMART Notebook window and continue to interact with the open, transparent page.

  • Dual Page view displays two pages side-by-side.

Only Full Screen view is available.