Taking screen shots in the whiteboard

Use the whiteboard screen shot tools to capture content in the whiteboard, or use SMART Ink to capture snapshots of content outside of the whiteboard. Once taken, screen shots are inserted into the whiteboard and saved to the File Manager’s Screen Shots folder.

To create a screen shot of the whole whiteboard page

  • On the whiteboard toolbar, tap Screenshot page. SMART TeamWorks takes a screen shot of the entire whiteboard page and saves it to the meeting’s local file folder.


    Depending on how screen shot saving has been configured in the settings window, the screenshot appears in the page manager with a camera icon to indicated it’s an image, or in the file manager under the Pages screenshots folder.

To use the clipping tool to create a screen shot of a selected area

  1. On the whiteboard toolbar, select Select area.

  2. Tap and drag the cursor over the area of the whiteboard you want to capture.

  3. Press Capture.

    SMART TeamWorks takes a screen shot of the area you selected and inserts it in the whiteboard page.

To create a screen shot using SMART Ink

  1. Open the SMART Ink dynamic toolbar.

  2. Tap Toolbox, and then tap Capture.

  3. Tap one of the following buttons:

    Capture a rectangular area.
    Capture a window.
    Capture an entire screen.
    Capture a freehand area.
  4. Select the area, window, or screen you want to capture.

    The Capture window opens. This window displays a thumbnail of the screen capture and a button for sending the screen capture to SMART TeamWorks.

  5. Tap Send to SMART TeamWorks to insert the image in the SMART TeamWorks whiteboard.


  • screen shots
  • capture selected area
  • capture the whole page