Using the cordless pen

You can use the battery free cordless pen to write notes and draw on the display’s screen in digital ink and activate settings you assign to the pen’s rocker button.

Hold the cordless pen as you would hold any normal pen or pencil. As you work with the interactive pen display, you can rest your hand on the display screen, just as if it were a sheet of paper. You can tilt the cordless pen in any way that feels most comfortable for writing or drawing.


You can write notes over applications and your desktop only if SMART Product Drivers is running on your computer. If the SMART Board icon in the Windows notification area or Mac Dock has a small red x in the lower right corner or , SMART Product Drivers is not running on your computer or the display is not connected properly.


  • You can access SMART Settings to assign actions to your pen buttons, such as opening SMART Notebook software or advancing the slide in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

  • Store the cordless pen in the pen holder when it’s not in use. You can attach the pen holder to either side of the display.

  • You can use SMART Notebook software or SMART Meeting Pro software to make your presentations interactive and dynamic. For more details on about you can accomplish with SMART Notebook software or SMART Meeting Pro software, see the SMART software’s online Help.