Setting up and playing a Match ’Em Up activity
Create a matching activity where students draw from two categories to creating matching pairs.
This activity teaches one-to-one correspondence and memory.
Here is an example of a Match ’Em Up activity where students match animals with the sounds they make.

This activity was created by entering a list of animals alongside animal sounds and then choosing a theme for the activity.
Follow these instructions to create your own version of this activity. When you’re done, tap Preview to see how the activity will appear to students.
After an activity is completed, you can export student results as a CSV file.

New to start creating a new lesson file.
Add the activity to an existing lesson by opening the lesson in Editing mode. Browse to the page that you want the activity to follow and click Add
Select Game Based Activities.
The Game Based Activity Templates window opens.
Select Match ’Em Up.
The activity’s editor opens.
Type names for the two categories students will compare in the Optional Category Name fields.
Enter text or add an image
in the first row of both columns below the two categories you’ve defined. This is the first pair of items students will match.
Continue making entries. You can enter up to 10 pairs.
When you start the activity, the entries are randomized, and students search for matches between the categories.
In the Check Answers section to the right of the text box, select one of the following options:
Instantly: See immediately whether the answers are correct.
When Prompted: Have a Check Matches button appear in the activity so players can decide when to check their work.
When you’re satisfied with the activity's setup, click Next.
Select a theme for your activity and click Finish.
The activity loads and then appears on a new lesson page.

Open the lesson in Delivery mode, and then browse to the page that contains the activity.
Click Model Activity to demonstrate the activity to students.
Students drag items from each category into the targets at the center of the screen to create a match. Students can work individually or in teams using their own devices, or make it a whole-class activity by having students come to the display in turns to find a match.
After all items are matched, the activity ends.
If the activity contains an image, you can magnify it to view it full screen. Tap anywhere to exit full-screen mode.
Use the teacher dashboard to track student progress.

If you opted to show answers for this activity, students have the option of checking their after they complete it.
To check answers
Tap the Check answers button that appears when the activity is complete.
If an answer is correct, a
appears beside it. If an answer is incorrect, an
appears beside it.

Ending the activity stops it for students and they can no longer interact with it. Student data is saved in the activity dashboard unless you reset the activity.
To end the activity
From the activity dashboard, tap Activity settings
on the Delivery mode toolbar to open the activity status dialog.
Tap End.
To reset the activity
From the activity dashboard, tap Activity settings
on the Delivery mode toolbar to open the activity status dialog.
Tap End.
Tap Start.
A confirmation message appears.
Tap Start new activity to confirm your choice.
The activity resets.