Creating a Speedup activity
Speedup is a racing quiz with multiple choice and true or false questions. Students will love to compete to see who answers questions the fastest using the Speedup activity. Speedup encourages competition and quick thinking.
Students get excited about the race and quickly learn to collaborate for correct answers. At the end of the race, the groups are shown their race times, the number of questions they correctly answered and their position by player avatar.
To create a Speedup activity
Tap Activities
in the SMART Notebook toolbar.
The Select an Activity dialog box opens.
Click Speedup.
Select Multiple Choice or True or False as the format for your first question.
Enter a question. You can use up to 150 characters.
For multiple choice questions, enter at least two answers to the question and select the correct answer.
For a true or false question, select either True or False to indicate the correct answer to the question.
indicates the answer.
Click Add Question to continue adding questions and answers. You can change the question format using the drop-down menu above the question field.
After you have finished adding questions and answers, click Next.
The Review Content dialog box opens. You can edit your questions and answers and set a time limit for each question.
To assign a time limit to the question, enable the Time limit option and set the number of seconds for answering each question.
Click Finish.
Game components cannot be added to the Speedup activity.
To play a Speedup activity
Split students up into racing teams so that they can collaborate during the game. You can have up to four teams.
Navigate to the lesson page with the Speedup activity and tap Start.
Select the number of racers from one to four.
A maximum of four teams can race, with one racer representing each team.
Select a racer avatar
and tap the check mark. You have 15 seconds to select a racer avatar. If no avatars are chosen, avatars are selected automatically and the race begins.
When the race starts, students can rapidly press the green Racer control arrow
for a turbo boost to increase speed.
At various points around the race track, students are asked the questions you created.
Students select the letter that for the correct answer on their teams racer’s controls.
When the race is complete, the winning team’s racer avatar appears in the results window, and time results are shown in seconds for each racer avatar.
The activity controls appear in the top right corner of the page:
to turn activity sound on or off.
to restart the activity.
to modify the activity.
To review a Speedup activity
Review the quiz answers with the class using the avatars for each group. After the race, tap Review answers.
The first question appears for review.
Select Show Answer to view the correct answer and / or Show Players to see each team’s race avatar and how they answered the questions.
Discussing incorrect answers can be just as valuable as verifying correct answers.
Use the arrows to navigate through all the questions.
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