Customizing the software on Windows operating systems
Windows operating systems only

You can use SMART Install Manager to customize the software. SMART Install Manager works with the complete installer (EXE file) or the installation package (MSI file).
You can customize SMART software complete installers by publishing XML files. You can also customize SMART software installation packages by publishing MST files. You can then deploy the SMART software to computers.
To install SMART Install Manager from the DVD
Insert the DVD in your computer’s DVD drive.
Browse to
DVD drive\Administrators\Windows
, and then double‑clickSMART Install Manager.exe
.The SMART Install Manager installation wizard appears.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
To download and install SMART Install Manager
Select SMART Notebook 18 from Select your version.
Select Windows from Change operating system.
Select SMART Install Manager from Select install package.
Save the EXE file to your computer.
Double-click the EXE file.
The SMART Install Manager installation wizard appears.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
To customize SMART Notebook using SMART Install Manager
Start SMART Install Manager.
Drag the complete installer or the installation package to the SMART Install Manager window.
Set the controls on each page (see SMART Install Manager controls).
Select File > Publish.
The Save file dialog box appears.
Browse to the location where you extracted the complete installer or the installation package.
Type a name for the XML file (for the complete installer) or MST file (for the installation package) in the File name box, and then tap Save.
Close SMART Install Manager.

After you install SMART Install Manager, shortcuts to the software appear on the desktop and in the Start menu (Windows 7 or 10 operating systems) or the Apps screen (Windows 8 operating system).
You can use SMART Install Manager with either the complete installer or with the installation packages. Depending on which file type you select, you can do the following:
Installation file | Tasks |
Complete installer (.exe file) |
Installation package (.msi file) |

Use the following instructions if you selected the complete installer.
Opening a complete installer file | To customize the complete installer, drag the file into the SMART Install Manager window. After you open the complete installer, a set of pages for that installer appears in SMART Install Manager. Customize the complete installer using the controls on these pages. |
Saving your changes | After you customize the complete installer, save your changes as an XML file by selecting File > Save As. When you next start SMART Install Manager, load the XML file by selecting File > Open, or by opening the EXE file and then selecting File > Import. |
Publishing your changes as an XML file | The final step in using SMART Install Manager to customize the complete installer is to publish your changes as an XML file. To do this, select File > Publish, and then use the dialog box to define a location for and create the XML file. |

Use the following instructions if you selected the installation packages.
Opening a complete installer file | To customize an installation package, drag the file into the SMART Install Manager window. Note All installation packages you’ve previously opened in SMART Install Manager appear in the Unmodified Packages tab. After you open an installation package, a set of pages for that installation package appears in SMART Install Manager. Customize the installation package using the controls on these pages. |
Saving your changes | After you customize an installation package, save your changes as an XML file by selecting File > Save As. When you next start SMART Install Manager, load the XML file by selecting File > Open, or by opening the MSI file and then selecting File > Import. |
Publishing your changes as an XML file | The final step in using SMART Install Manager to customize an installation package is to publish your changes as an MST file. To do this, select File > Publish, and then use the dialog box to define a location for and create the MST file. Tip If you use an older MST file created with an earlier version of the MSI file, it might not work properly. Use the current MSI file to create your MST file. Publish the MST file in the same location as the MSI file. |

Control | Procedure | Notes |
General Options: Product Selection | ||
SMART Product Drivers | Select to install SMART Product Drivers. | [N/A] |
SMART Ink | Select to install SMART Ink. | If you install SMART Ink, you must install SMART Product Drivers. When you select this check box, SMART Install Manager selects SMART Product Drivers automatically. |
SMART Notebook software | Select to install SMART Notebook software. | [N/A] |
Product key | Type your 25-character product key for SMART Notebook software. | You can type the product key with or without hyphens. When you type a volume product key, the software activates when you deploy it to your network computers. |
SMART response 2 | SMART response 2 software is now included in the installation and replaces SMART Response. | Important Please review the details of the SMART response 2 update to ensure it will not disrupt current teach work flows. Existing data may need to be backed up. Learn more ( |
SMART Notebook Math Tools | Select to install SMART Notebook Math Tool software. | If you choose to install SMART Notebook Math Tools software, you must also install SMART Notebook software. |
Product key | Type you 22- or 25-character product key for SMART Notebook Math Tools software. | You can type the product key with or without hyphens. When you type a volume product key, the software activates when you deploy it to your network computers. |
Remove SMART products that aren’t selected above if they exist on the system | Select to remove SMART software products available in the current SMART Learning Suite package found on any machine on your system (except the SMART products you selected above). If you don’t select this setting, all SMART Learning Suite software found is upgraded, even if the SMART software isn’t selected above. | This affects the behavior of the installer when you perform an upgrade. It enables you to remove any software in the current SMART Learning Suite package that isn’t selected in the SMART Install Manager. |
Select to register the product keys on a system without activating them. Registered keys can be activated when users start SMART Notebook software. If you don’t select this setting, the software automatically activates during installation rather than manually after installation. | Delaying activation is useful for uniform deployments that include users who don’t use SMART Notebook software. Only users who start SMART Notebook software activate registered keys and consume a license. | |
Disable the License Status dialog box | Select to prevent the software activation reminder from appearing after SMART Notebook software starts. | When this check box is selected, the software activation reminder appears only when the SMART Notebook software trial period expires. |
General Options: Installation Options | ||
Installation directory | Type the path to your preferred folder where program installation files are stored. Once you specify the path, selected programs are installed in sub-directories of this location. | If you specify a folder, include a back slash (\) at the end of the path. If you don’t specify a folder, Windows Installer installs the software in sub-directories of the default folder C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies (32-bit systems) or C:\Program Files (x86) SMART Technologies (64-bit systems). Important Ensure the folder path valid. SMART Installer Manager doesn’t verify the folder path. |
Start SMART System Menu at logon | Select to start the SMART System Menu when the user logs on. | [N/A] |
SMART Technologies Error Report | SMART Technologies Error Report installs by default as part of the installation. | This application installs by default as part of the installation, but can be turned off through Install Manager. |
Install desktop shortcuts | Select to create shortcuts on the desktop. | In the Windows 7 operating system, this option creates shortcuts on the desktop. In the Windows 8.1 operating system, shortcuts are created in the Windows 8.1 Apps menu. |
General Options: Network/Firewall Settings | ||
SMART lab features operates as expected | Add the URLs to your teacher and student network’s whitelist. | This setting confirms that the SMART lab features operate correctly in SMART Notebook. |
Handwriting recognition: Language selection | ||
General Options: Language Selection | ||
Select the handwriting recognition resources you want to install | Select the handwriting recognition resources you want to install. | Don’t select more than 18 handwriting recognition resources if you’re running an administrator installation with the SMARTLearningSuite.msi file (see |
General Options: SMART Product Update | ||
Install SMART Product Update in Full mode | Select to install SMART Product Update (SPU) in Full mode. | [N/A] |
Install SMART Product Update in Dashboard mode | Select to install SPU in Dashboard mode. | [N/A] |
Do not install SMART Product Update | Select to not install SPU. | [N/A] |
Check for updates | Type the number of days (1 to 60) between SPU checks. | This option is available only if you install SPU in Full mode. By default, SPU checks for product updates every 30 days. |
Notify users about SMART product updates | Select to notify users of available SMART product updates. | This option is available only if you install SPU in Full mode. |
Reset per-user changes to the previous two settings | Select to remove existing Check for updates and Notify users about SMART product updates values the next time the user runs SPU. | This enables administrators to push new values for these settings to computers and ensures the new values are accepted. Individual users can still modify these settings. |
General Options: Customer Experience | ||
Enable the Customer Experience Program on all devices | Select to automatically enable the Customer Experience Program for all users. | [N/A] |
Disable the Customer Experience Program on all devices | Select to automatically disable the Customer Experience Program for all users. | [N/A] |
SMART Notebook: Gallery Content | ||
Gallery Content Team Content My Content | Team Content path: My Content path: | |
Install print capture driver | Select to include the Print Capture Driver in the installation. | The Print Capture Driver is a printer driver that enables users to export content from other programs to SMART Notebook software by using the SMART Notebook Document Writer. |
Register SMARTDocument Camera drivers | Select to enable the registration of SMART Document Camera drivers. | Disable the registration of SMART Document Camera drivers if they conflict with the third-party drivers on the computer. |
Update the Windows Firewall exception list | Select to allow SMART Notebook software to communicate through the Windows Firewall for advanced SMART Notebook software developer kit (NBSDK) functionality. | This property updates the Windows Firewall exception list for Domain and Private networks. |
SMART Product Drivers: Optional Settings | ||
Enable Tablet PC Support | Select to use Tablet PC functionality with your SMART interactive display without having to connect a Tablet PC. | This property is applicable for the Windows 7 operating systems. It has no effect on other operating systems. |
Start SNMP Agent services at logon | Select to enable SNMP Agent services. | [N/A] |
SMART Ink: Optional Settings | ||
Start SMART Ink at logon | Select to start SMART Ink when the user logs on. | [N/A] |

You can customize SMART software installation packages by creating MST files using a third-party tool, such as Orca database editor, and the Windows Installer properties (see Windows Installer properties).

Property | Allowed values | Notes |
General properties | ||
TRANSFORMS | [String]: A language MST file for the installation (see Installation language files and codes). | Ensure the specified MST file is in the same folder as the MSI file. This property defines the language of the installer’s user interface and the installed software’s icons and shortcuts. It doesn’t define the installed software’s user interface language. The installed software uses the computer’s operating system language if it’s supported, or English (U.S.) if not. You can also use the TRANSFORMS property to apply an MST file created by SMART Install Manager or a third-party tool. |
MSIFASTINSTALL | 1: Disable creating a system restore point. 0 (default): Ask Windows to create a system restore point. | This property applies to the complete installer (EXE) only. The MSI installer follows Windows Installer conventions and doesn’t create a system restore point in quiet (/qn) mode, but asks Windows to create a system restore point in full, reduced or basic UI modes. By default, Windows 8.1 operating system and later creates a maximum of one system restore point in a 24-hour period. |
ACTIVATE_ | 1 (default): Register the product keys and automatically activate the software. 0: Register the product keys and don’t automatically activate the software (delay activation). Registered keys can be activated when users start SMART Notebook software. | Delaying activation (0) is useful for uniform deployments that include users who don’t use SMART Notebook software. Only users who start SMART Notebook software activate registered keys and consume a license. |
DISABLE_NAG | 1: Prevent the software activation reminder from appearing after SMART Notebook software starts. 0 (default): Allow the software activation reminder to appear after SMART Notebook software starts. | When 1 is selected, the software activation reminder appears only when the SMART Notebook software trial period expires. |
INSTALL_BOARD | 1: Install SMART Product Drivers. [Empty string]: The product is turned off. | [N/A] |
LAUNCH_SYSTEM_MENU | 1 (default): Automatically start SMART System Menu after installation and each time the system is started. [Empty string]: Don’t automatically start SMART System Menu after installation and each time the system is started. | [N/A] |
INSTALL_INK | 1: Install SMART Ink [Empty string]: The product is turned off. | [N/A] |
INSTALL_NOTEBOOK | 1: Install SMART Notebook software. [Empty string]: The product is turned off. | [N/A] |
NB_PROD_KEY | [String]: The 25-character product key for SMART Notebook software you received from SMART. | [N/A] |
MATH_PROD_KEY | [String]: The 22- or 25-character product key for SMART Notebook Math Tools software you received from SMART. | [N/A] |
UNINSTALL_EXISTING | 1: Remove SMART software products available in the current SMART Learning Suite package found on any machine on your system (except any SMART products you included in your command). [Empty string] (default): Upgrade all SMART Learning Suite software found on your system, even if the SMART software isn’t selected above. | This enables you to remove any software in the current package that isn’t included in your command. |
INSTALLDIR | [String]: Type the path to your preferred folder where program installation files are stored. Once you specify the path, selected programs are installed in sub‑directories of this location | [N/A] |
DESKTOP_ICONS | 1 (default): Creates desktop shortcuts to the software. [Empty string]: Does not create desktop shortcuts. | [N/A] |
CR_ENABLED | 1 (default): Enables SMART Technologies Error Report. 0: Disables SMART Technologies Error Report. | [N/A] |
SPU properties | ||
INSTALL_SPU | 1 (default): Install SPU in Full mode. 2: Install SPU in Dashboard mode. 0: Don’t install SPU. | In Full mode, users can view the installed versions of SMART software as well as their product keys, and download and install updates. |
SPU_TIME_ | [Integer]: The time in days (1 to 60) between SPU checks. | By default, SPU checks for product updates every 30 days. This property is applicable only if you install SPU. |
PRODUCT_ | 1 (default): Notify the user when updates are available from SPU. 0: Don’t notify the user when updates are available from SPU. | This property is applicable only if you install SPU. |
INVALIDATE_HKCU_INTERVAL | 1: Remove existing Check for updates and Notify users about SMART product updates values the next time the user runs SPU. 0 (default): Don’t remove existing Check for updates and Notify users about SMART product updates values the next time the user runs SPU. | This enables administrators to push new values for these settings to computers and ensures the new values are accepted. Individual users can still modify these settings |
Customer Experience Program properties | ||
CUSTOMER_ | 1 (default): Enable the Customer Experience Program. 0: Disable the Customer Experience Program. | [N/A] |
SMART Notebook software properties | ||
FULL_GALLERY | 1: Install the full product. [Empty string]: The product is turned off. | [N/A] |
LAT_CONTENT | 1: Install the Lesson Activity Toolkit collection. [Empty string]: The product is turned off. | [N/A] |
TEAM_CONTENT_ | [String]: Specify the path to the | You must specify a path to an existing folder in this property. |
MY_CONTENT | [String]: Specify the path to the | You can include environment variables in the path. This property is useful if you want to store content in a shared network folder so users can access their |
PRINT_CAPTURE | 1 (default): Install the Print Capture Driver. [Empty string]: Don’t install the Print Capture Driver. | The Print Capture Driver is a printer driver that enables users to export content from other programs to SMART Notebook software by using the SMART Notebook Document Writer. |
INSTALL_DOCCAM_DRIVERS | 1 (default): Enable the registration of SMART Document Camera drivers. [Empty string]: Disable the registration of SMART Document Camera drivers. | Disable the registration of SMART Document Camera drivers if they conflict with existing third-party drivers on the computer. |
ENABLE_NB_FIREWALL | 1 (default): Allow SMART Notebook software to communicate through the Windows Firewall for advanced NBSDK functionality. 0: Don’t allow SMART Notebook software to communicate through the Windows Firewall. SMART Notebook software can listen locally but is unable to communicate through the Windows Firewall. | This property updates the Windows Firewall exception list for Domain and Private networks. |
SMART Product Drivers properties | ||
ENABLE_ | 1 (default): Use Tablet PC functionality with the SMART Board interactive whiteboard without connecting a Tablet PC. 0: Don’t use Tablet PC functionality with the SMART Board interactive whiteboard without connecting a Tablet PC. | This property is applicable for the Windows 7 operating systems. It has no effect on other operating systems. If you specify 0, users don’t have touch support at the Windows logon screen. |
START_SNMP_SERVICE | 1: Start Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) when the user logs on. 0 (default): Don’t start SNMP when the user logs on. | [N/A] |
INSTALL_UNSIGNED_DRIVERS | 1: Enable the registration of unsigned third-party drivers. 0 (default): Disable the registration of unsigned third-party drivers. | If you enable the registration of unsigned third-party drivers, the installation process could ask users if they trust the makers of the drivers during installation. This can cause issues if you deploy the installation in Silent mode. Therefore, it’s best to disable the registration of third‑party drivers if you deploy the installation in Silent mode. |
SMART Ink properties | ||
LOSU_INK | 1 (default): Start SMART Ink when the user logs on. 0: Don’t start SMART Ink when the user logs on. | [N/A] |
Handwriting recognition resources properties Don’t select more than 18 handwriting recognition resources if you’re running an administrator installation with the | ||
AR | 1: Install the Arabic handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
ZH_CN | 1: Install the Chinese (Simplified) handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
ZH_TW | 1: Install the Chinese (Traditional) handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
CS | 1: Install the Czech handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
DA | 1: Install the Danish handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
NL | 1: Install the Dutch handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
EN_GB | 1: Install the English (UK) handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
ET | 1: Install the Estonian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
FI | 1: Install the Finnish handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
FR | 1: Install the French handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
DE | 1: Install the German handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
EL | 1: Install the Greek handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
HE | 1: Install the Hebrew handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
HU | 1: Install the Hungarian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
IT | 1: Install the Italian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
JA | 1: Install the Japanese handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
KO | 1: Install the Korean handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
LT | 1: Install the Lithuanian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
LV | 1: Install the Latvian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
MS | 1: Install the Malay handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
NB | 1: Install the Norwegian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
PL | 1: Install the Polish handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
PT_BR | 1: Install the Portuguese (Brazil) handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
RO | 1: Install the Romanian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
RU | 1: Install the Russian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
SK | 1: Install the Slovak handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
ES | 1: Install the Spanish (Spain) handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
SV | 1: Install the Swedish handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
TR | 1: Install the Turkish handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
UK | 1: Install the Ukrainian handwriting recognition resource. | [N/A] |
Internet access properties | ||
ACC | [Integer]: Enable Internet access for specified components.
| [N/A] |
Keywords |
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