Getting started with game-based activities

Requires a SMART Learning Suite subscription

SMART Notebook features a game-based learning environment, real-time student collaboration tools and a suite of formative assessment tools. These activities help students memorize concepts and facts, identify objects, learn vocabulary definitions, and more.

You can use SMART Notebook’s activity wizard to create the following game-based activities. Click the links to learn how to create, play, and review each activity.




Question type




Fill in the Blanks

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Fill in the blank

Answers checked:

  • Instantly

  • When prompted

  • Don’t check

Use up to 300 characters

Add up to ten blanks

Images not supported

Create a fill-in-the-blank activity using:

  • Quotes to introduce topic

  • Character quotes

  • Theories

  • Rules

  • Laws




Flip Out

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Flash card

Answers checked: Instantly

Use up to 150 characters

Supports images

Choose which side is shown face up

Create a set of flashcards using:

  • lesson vocabulary

  • facts

  • Countries and their capitals

one-one correspondence



Game Show

At the SMART Board

Either two players or two teams

Multiple Choice


Answers checked: Instantly

150 characters

Data collected on team performance and how questions were answered

Create a question set reviewing the topics/concepts covered in the lesson.

Create a question set to test prior knowledge before the lesson starts.

Review content

Prior knowledge

Label Reveal

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Picture or diagram with hidden labels

Create up to ten labels

Add optional notes for each label (up to 150 characters)

Create a study tool for students to check work and review lessons. Add labels to:

  • Diagrams

  • Processes



Parts of Systems

Match ‘Em up!

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Matching two things together, one right answer

Optional Category Name

Supports images

Use a matching exercise for:

  • Vocabulary and definitions

  • Concepts and examples

  • Quotes and characters

one-one correspondence



Monster Quiz

At the SMART Board and to student devices (student devices are required for this activity)

Multiple Choice


Check Answers:

  • Instantly

  • Multiple attempts

Doesn’t support images

Some data collected on team performance and how questions were answered

Team results are shown on the SMART Board.

Individual results shown on student devices.

Create a question set to:

  • Introduce vocabulary

  • Review an assigned reading

Review content

Activate prior knowledge

Rank Order

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Order or rank

Check Answers:

  • Instantly

  • When prompted

  • Don’t check

Supports Images

Create a ranking order for:

  • Smallest largest: Fractions, numbers, measurements, and so on.

  • First to last: Dates/timelines, process, procedures





Shout It Out!

At the SMART Board and to student devices (student devices are required for this activity)


Short answer

Responses shown on board

Response space:

  • Randomize or Up to 4 categories

  • Up to 150 characters per response

  • Supports image OR text responses

Use to enable students to:

  • Brainstorm

  • Provide responses to a prompt

  • Provide personal connections or opinions

  • Generate questions

Brainstorming, Personal Connections, Questioning, Conclusions and Connections


At the SMART Board

Either as players or teams

Multiple Choice


Checks answers: Instantly

Up to 4 players or teams

Some data collected on performance and how questions were answered

Create a question set that tests the lesson’s concepts.

Encourages quick thinking, competition, memory recall

Super Sort

At the SMART Board and/or to student devices

Group or individual

Sorting into two categories

Checks answers: Instantly

Two category names

Ten items per list

Images supported, Customize Graphics

Use this activity to:

  • Sort, classify, or group concepts, images, and more into the appropriate categories.
  • Create True or False categories and ask students to classify concepts into each one.




  • web browser recommendations
  • operating system recommendations
  • website access requirements
  • network recommendations