Orienting and calibrating your board

If the board is connected to a computer and the pointer appears a distance from the actual contact when you touch the screen, orient the board.
You can use your finger or a pen to orient the board.
To orient the board when connected to a computer
Open SMART Settings:
Operating system
Windows 10
Select Start.
Scroll to and select SMART Technologies > SMART Settings.
Windows 8
Open the Apps screen.
Scroll to and select SMART Technologies > SMART Settings.
Windows 7
Select Start > All Programs > SMART Technologies > SMART Tools > SMART Settings.
Press the SMART Board icon
on the Mac menu bar.
Press SMART Settings.
SMART Settings appears.
Press Orient/Align the SMART Board.
If Orient/Align the SMART Board is disabled, click Connection Wizard.
If the orientation screen doesn’t appear on the display you’re orienting, press the SPACEBAR on a connected keyboard until it does.
Press the red targets as they appear. Hold your finger or the tip of the pen at the center of each target, and then lift the pen or finger. When you lift the pen or finger, the target moves to the next orientation point.
Hold the pen at a right angle to the screen.
Continue until you’ve pressed all the targets.
The orientation window closes.
If orientation doesn’t correct inaccurate touch, calibrate the board (see Calibrating the board).

Digital cameras in the corners of the board track the position of the pens, eraser and your finger on the interactive surface, and then send the information to the SMART software on connected computers, which interprets this information as mouse clicks, digital ink or an eraser in the appropriate location. Calibration determines the position and angles of the cameras to accurately identify the location of touches on the board.
If an error message appears while you calibrate the board, contact your authorized SMART reseller (smarttech.com/where).
To calibrate the board when connected to a computer
Open SMART Settings:
Operating system
Windows 10
Select Start.
Scroll to and select SMART Technologies > SMART Settings.
Windows 8
Open the Apps screen.
Scroll to and select SMART Technologies > SMART Settings.
Windows 7
Select Start > All Programs > SMART Technologies > SMART Tools > SMART Settings.
Press the SMART Board icon
on the Mac menu bar.
Press SMART Settings.
SMART Settings appears.
Press SMART Hardware Settings.
If more than one SMART product is connected to your computer, select the board.
Select Advanced Settings from the drop-down list.
Press Calibrate, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
The calibration screen appears. This can take a few moments.
Press the red target with the tip of a pen. Hold the tip at the center of the target until the target turns green, and then lift the pen.
The target moves to the next location.
You can calibrate a target again by pressing the LEFT ARROW key on your keyboard.
Continue pressing targets until the second calibration screen and a grid appears.
An example appears briefly to demonstrate how to draw across the screen to calibrate the interactive surface.
Use a pen to draw a spiral horizontally across the grid. As you draw, the ink is blue. As you complete each square, the square becomes green.
When all the squares are green, a progress bar appears.
When the progress bar is full, the message Calibration successful appears.
Wait until the calibration screen indicates that the board is operating correctly before proceeding.
Orient the board (see Orienting the board).