Find my OPS module
Most modern SMART Board interactive displays include an accessory slot in which you can install an OPS module. SMART offers several different OPS modules and you can purchase and install OPS modules from third parties as long as they meet the requirements defined in the SMART Board interactive display documentation.
Use this wizard to identify which OPS module is installed in your SMART Board interactive display.
When you switch to the OPS module’s input, what appears on the screen?
What is the ninth character in the OPS module’s serial number?
The OPS module’s serial number is accessible from the iQ settings (from the Home screen, tap).
The following OPS module matches your criteria:
This module is typically installed in older SMART kapp iQ boards and SMART kapp iQ Pro interactive flat panels.
This module doesn’t support the SMART Notebook Player, Workspaces, Activities, Input, or Screen Share apps.
The following OPS module matches your criteria:
This module is typically installed in SMART Board 6000 series interactive displays with iQ and SMART kapp iQ boards.
The following OPS module matches your criteria:
This module is typically installed in SMART Board 6000 Pro series interactive displays with iQ and SMART kapp iQ Pro interactive flat panels.
This module doesn’t support the SMART Notebook Player, Workspaces, or Activities apps.
The following OPS module matches your criteria:
The following OPS module matches your criteria:
The OPS module installed in your SMART Board display’s accessory slot might be an I/O extension module (XTM) or a third-party device.
The OPS module installed in your SMART Board display’s accessory slot might be a third-party device.